en / it
for sustainability/certifications
Sustainability is our daily mission, implemented through the attainment of high environmental, social and product standards of excellence, recognised by the most important international certifications.
Reducing impact, rationalising water consumption, using renewable sources, respecting regulations that limit the use of chemicals: these are our choices with a view to continuous improvement.
ISO14001 Is a voluntary international standard that specifies the requirements for an environmental management system (EMS = Environmental Management System).
Through ISO 14001 certification we are committed to: – Reduce environmental impact – Protect biodiversity – Use sustainable products – Choose renewable energy sources – Reduce water consumption – Recover heat to be converted into new energy
ZDHC We comply with the ZDHC programme through which we commit to using chemicals with an integrated approach of prevention and precaution, paving the way for innovation and best practice in the textile industry and protecting consumers, workers and the environment.
The ZDHC (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals) Programme identifies several actions to be taken to eliminate hazardous substances from the global textile industry, namely: – Eliminate or replace hazardous chemicals; – Develop effective tools and invest in training to improve chemical management; – Develop collaboration within stakeholders to promote the sustainable chemistry approach and the verification of environmental discharges. – Our commitment is also realised by requesting the subscription of our Restricted Substances List by the entire supply chain to ZDHC and AFIRM
Our suit, jacket and shirt fabrics, from wool to cashmere, from silk to linen, are born from company processes attested by important quality management certifications, with the aim of guaranteeing high quality, ethical and sustainable products for all our customers, from the initial to the final process.
ISO 9001 At Marzotto, we comply with all the parameters defined by the ‘ISO 9001 Quality Certification’, a standard that attests to the excellence and value of our global management system: from processes to product design, all the way to service delivery to the end customer.
We protect and promote respect for fundamental rights, health and safety, equal opportunities, in compliance with international standards.
SA 8000 This is the certification that attests to the value of a company’s social performance by assessing nine areas that define corporate social responsibility in the workplace.
The standard is aimed at guaranteeing fundamental rights, in accordance with the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization (ILO).
The 9 areas are:
For information, reports and suggestions for improvement, you can contact the company, also anonymously, by writing to: sa8000@marzotto.it or sending a message here: SEND AN ANONYMOUS REPORT
For further information and reports concerning correct application by the company of the requirements established by the standard SA8000, you can contact the certification or accreditation body directly at the following addresses: RINA (certification body) –sa8000@rina.org, SAAS (accreditation body) – saas@saasaccreditation.org
UNI PDR 125 Gender Equality This certification supports the full promotion of gender equality, with the aim of improving and enhancing individual and organizational performance by highlighting the variety of personal and professional characteristics for the modernization of the economy and business competitiveness.
The guideline refers to the UNI ISO 30415:2021, “Human Resource Management: Diversity and Inclusion.”
We wish to guarantee respect and quality to all our partners and all our customers. For this reason, all Marzotto fabrics comply with the strictest international regulations; all processes are ethical, from raw materials to finished products, and every single process in the supply chain is strictly controlled, traceable and certified.
STANDARD 100 BY OEKO-TEX ® This is the international standard that controls, guarantees and certifies raw materials, semi-finished products, accessories and finished products in the textile industry at every processing level.
More than 90% of Marzotto products are STANDARD 100 certified by OEKO-TEX®.
WOOLMARK Marzotto wool is Woolmark® Pure New Wool certified: 100% new wool. The Woolmark logo is one of the most important certifications in the world of wool and a guarantee of global high quality of the entire supply chain.
In fact, to become part of the network of certified producers and brands with the Woolmark logo, it is necessary to pass numerous certification processes that confirm the quality of the wool in terms of structure, durability and washability.
GOTS It is the most stringent international certification for the sustainable production of textile products made from natural fibres. This standard of excellence certifies that our processes are strictly eco-sustainable and socially responsible, from harvesting of the raw materials to the finished fabric.
Our organic collections come from sheep farms and from 100% organic agriculture, with the utmost respect for the environment and for workers’ rights. Furthermore, no polluting and toxic chemicals are used.
We select the finest raw materials in the world and only choose suppliers who protect the environment and the fundamental freedoms of animals, in full compliance with international regulations.
AUTHENTICO Authentico certification links farmers to the entire supply chain. It is a voluntary code of integrity established by the Schneider Group, which guarantees the transparency and ethics of the entire chain.
– Voluntary standard – Third-party certification – Respect for the 5 freedoms of animal welfare – No Mulesed and/or AA Wool – Full certified supply chain traceability with open access to farms – Respect for the environment with the goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2022 through the entire supply chain – No additional costs for farmers – Focus on high quality wool – Selected customers – From 2020 LCA certification
ZQ MERINOS ZQ It is the voluntary certification to guarantee the 5 freedoms of animals.
It also regulates the working relationship between breeder and client, so as to increase the overall stability of the market, to the benefit of all. – Voluntary standard – Implementation of the 5 freedoms of animal welfare – Wool No Mulesed
RWS It is a voluntary standard to guarantee the essential freedoms and welfare of animals.
Marzotto selects and works only with suppliers who care about the quality of life, both physically and psychologically, of each animal. – Voluntary standard – Third-party certification – Implementation of the 5 freedoms of animal welfare – Wool No Mulesed – Wool Ceased Mulesed – Supply Chain Traceability – Environmental Protection